Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 4: Review: Working hard

My classes have been going pretty smooth.  Had 2 quizzes and an exam this past week, which was the stressful bit. I however, did well in all the tests. I think I have been pretty good in this class too. I have been posting all the posts before the due date so I am very proud of myself for that. When I was first reading the posts from the students who took this class, I noticed that a lot of people said that working ahead is the key to success in this class. I have now come to realize that it is very true and I have been working ahed on the posts I've been writing recently. It has been working out really well for me as I have time to work on my other classes and exams too. I would like to continue this way and I think I will do pretty good by the end. 

Work ahead
Source: Hard work

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