Monday, January 18, 2016

Favorite Place

Coming from a country that is mostly known for its natural beauty, I would have to say that my favorite place is none other than my own country, Nepal. I come from a total opposite side of the world and I have to say I have travelled and been to a lot of other places. I have been away from home for too long and have a had lot of time to think and reflect on my visits to different places. There is no doubt Nepal is my favorite. I have travelled all across Nepal but there is one place I visited this past summer. Tadapani in Nepal is known for being one of the best trekking/travel destinations. I went there and understood what a true beauty is. Nepal is a very small country located in South- central Asia and a lot of people don't know a lot about it. After a recent disastrous earthquake, it looks like people are scared to visit. I went there this summer, which was after the earthquake and can safely say it is still beautiful and mesmerizing.
(Tadapani, Nepal: This Picture was taken by me.)

(Tadapani, Nepal:


  1. Oh my gosh, Shristi, you are from Nepal: wow! I am glad you have had a chance to go back since the earthquake just to make sure you beautiful country is mending itself, and still absolutely beautiful. The stories of India are famous there too, of course, so I am now really curious to hear your take on the epics. I think I will learn a lot from you this semester, and so will the other students. I am really glad you decided to take this class!!!

    With links there at Blogger, the idea is to create link text and use the http without actually showing it, like this: Marsyangdi river valley (and that links to the page so people can click and learn more, even the exact geographical location of that beautiful picture!) — there's more information about links and formatting here: Formatting Blog posts (every system has its own little quirks, but since you will be using Blogger every week, you'll get used to it really quickly).

    1. I am very excited to be here as well. I grew up listening to Indian Epics and watching series about Indian Epics. I was very young when my family use to tell me stories and now the memory is kind of faded away. I am here to refresh my memory and will definitely share the stories once it starts clicking back. Coming from a hindu family, Rama is an idol for us. However, I am here to learn more in depth and I think I will enjoy it.

  2. Wow! I’ve never thought of Nepal as a place to visit but the picture you included of the mountains makes it look absolutely beautiful! I love mountains and climbing so you’ve definitely intrigued me as a tourist! I hope you’re enjoying your time in America, and especially here at our university. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of great memories here to share when you go back to Nepal 
