Thursday, January 21, 2016

Growth Mindset: Learning about Growth Mindset

I was never familiar with Carol Dwek TED talks.  After going over the videos I think I agree with her on everything she says about growth mindset. I have always been an average student since childhood and I think I can relate to both growth mindset and fixed mindset. When I was in high school I would not have to try too hard to make an A. I would end up with at least a B and I would not care that much. Whereas, after joining college I have been facing a lot of challenges throughout. During my freshmen year, I was not putting too much effort and still making A’s and B’s and I was fine with that. However, last semester I struggled because I was taking all my major MIS classes. I almost got my first ever C. I have never made a C in my life and I guess that’s when it struck me. I started making effort to do better and not let it bring me down. I actually tried to understand the material and learn more than just giving up or ignoring the challenge. I guess that was my year of bringing growth mindset into practice without even knowing.

I think Carol is right when she talks about making things a little harder and making things easy will prevent students from learning as much as they could. I love challenges now and like to learn more from the classes I am taking and take full advantage of this opportunity to learn more and just grow. I am excited to learn more about the growth mindset. I personally think that setting up goals and knowing what you want is really important to move forward in life.
Growth Mindset. Source: flickr

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