Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 3 Growth mindset: Coming out of my comfort zone

As I keep trying to learn more about growth mindset, I have realized that that I have bit of both mixed and growth mindset. There have been times when I have tried to avoid failure and challenges. When I was a freshman, trying to adopt to a new environment was a priority. I was very shy and an introvert. I used to hate talking in front of class or ask questions to my professor even though I needed help. Giving presentations was a nightmare. I then learned that it is a part of not only student life but also going to be a part of my professional life.  I slowly learned to get out of my comfort zone and I am a lot of comfortable than I was before. I always used to find an excuse to get out of situations like this where I had to present or talk in front of class.  I have to say my public speaking class helped me a lot during this learning process.
Growth Mindset

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