Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary: Ramayana

This week’s reading diary for Ramayana had a different type of storytelling styles. I find it more descriptive than the one that we read for week 2 and 3. I find it more descriptive for the part where it describes each situation and the scene. The scheming of Kaikeyi is very descriptive too. In this reading it talks about the numerous attempt that Manthara took to make Kaikeyi go against Dashratha for making Rama the king. The other interesting part is the one where Ravana comes to steal Sita. The book describes about the forest where the trees stayed still, the wind dropped and the Godaveri flowed more slowly for fear when Ravana disguised as a yogi. Sita not knowing the truth of the yogi gave him food and water. Ravana then goes on to offer Sita palaces, servants and gardens and then when Sita refuses it he changes to his original face and drags sita into his golden ass-drawn car and vanishes in the sky. Rama blames Lakshmana for Sita being abducted by Ravana. Then the search for Sita begins and then they find out that Sita has asked help with the great vulture Jatayu . Jatayu tries to help sita but then was not able to fight back with Ravana. Jatayu informs Rama about where Ravana was heading with sita. Brahma rejoice seeing Sita being taken by Ravana, because it was theirs plan to destroy Ravana. Ram and Lakshmana meets hanuman, who then visits Lanka to see what sita is doing.

Fight with Jatayu
Link: Jatayu, Sita and Ravana

Link to the story: Ramayana Part A
Author's name: Nivedita

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