Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 6 Famous Last words

This week was definitely better in terms of classes and projects than previous weeks. I learned so much and truly think I have gotten better at writing. The corrections and revisions for our portfolio stories that I have been making with professor’s help has helped me learn a lot. There were few of the grammar mistakes I made that I didn’t even know about. I did not know that vocative needs a comma both before and after when it's inside a sentence. So far the week has been great. I have enjoyed all the readings. My favorite part was listening to Narayana’s secret when I was doing the extra credit reading assignment. There were so many things that touched my heart. I listened to it twice. The first time was for my post and I was mostly thinking about what to write about it and taking notes. While taking notes, there we things I wanted to listen to again. This story is filled with so many good quotes and lesson to live life with Hinduism. The Character of Narad led to his restless life and he became the cause of anger.  I listened to it again after completing my post. The second time was mostly for my sake. Even though I am a Hindu, there are so many things I am getting to learn about Hinduism in this class and am slowly falling in love with Hinduism and learning more about it.

Talking more about classes, my other major MIS classes has started to pick up. The assignments, quizzes and exams are lining up and it has started to get crazy. I am thankful to have so many friends taking same classes so we can group up and study together. I have 4 exams in a row in two weeks and preparing for that has been a task.

                                                                    Source: Link

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