Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week 6 Extra credit reading Part A (Ganesha, Narayana)

The introduction of the Ganesha’s Secret was really impressive when it says “different people see god differently.” The narrator’s words are really impressive about Hinduism. The narrator has an informative and commanding voice. The elephant head that was used to resurrect Vinayaka, the son of Parvati was of Erawat, the elephant of rain god Indra. Ganesha represents the balance between mortal body and immortal head. Human body going thru cycle of death and rebirth, elephant head is spiritual and immortal.
“What dies is always reborn”, I think this is the whole idea behind Hinduism. The story has a lot of meaningful words and ideas that explains Hinduism. We all die to be born again. Life is about living, about participation, not escaping. There is no sense of urgency to dominate. This story is filled with so many good quotes and lesson to live life with Hinduism. The Character of Narad led to his restless life and he became the cause of anger.

Source: link
I really loved listening to this story Part A. First of all the narrator’s voice is really pleasant and not annoying even after listening to it for almost an hour. There are many information presented here that gives us what Hinduism is. I really loved all of it.

Link to Story

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